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Comoros Travel Tips and Information

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Official NameUnion of the Comoros
Country CodeKM
LanguageComorian, Arabic, French
Country Code (international calls)269

The flight time to Comoros is approximately ---- hours. Check the climate, currency, religion, manners, other information of Comoros below. Wishing you pleasant travels to Comoros.

Comoros is located off the east coast of Africa. There are a total of 3 major islands that make up the nation-state, and the capital, Moroni, is on Ngazidja island. The largest island, Grande Comore is home to the active Katharla volcano.

Visa and Immigration Procedures to Comoros

Before buying an air ticket, visitors to Comoros should obtain a visa. All travelers are required to have a visa, which may be purchased on arrival at the airport. A visitor visa can be purchased for 30 euros. Fees for a visa to visit Comoros are 60 euros for a 45-day visa, 250 euros for a one-year visa and 500 euros for a ten-year visa. Your passport must be valid for six months in order to enter Comoros. Additionally, those who have purchased tickets from places where yellow fever and cholera are endemic may be required to show vaccination certificates in order to enter Comoros.

Things/Items Allowed into Comoros

Passengers aged 18 and older are allowed to bring without customs duty 500 grams of tobacco, 100 cigars or 400 individual cigarettes,1 bottle of alcohol and 1 bottle of perfume. A health certificate and a certification against rabies are required when bringing in a pet.

Things/Items Forbidden out of Comoros

• Weapons Hazardous Materials • Counterfeit Money and Goods • Pornography

Things/Items Forbidden into Comoros

• Weapons • Hazardous Materials • Counterfeit Money and Goods • Pornography • Plants • Alcohol and Tobacco in excess

Voice of Travelers to Comoros

New Experiences and Friendly People!

Comoros was a perfect choice for adventurers like us who wanted to explore somewhere new! We bought air tickets for a flight connecting through Nairobi, and boarded a Kenyan Airways flight to Grande Comore in the Comoros. The flight had excellent service. The plane landed in Moroni slightly ahead of the scheduled arrival time. We spent a few days relaxing by the pool in the hotel, a day sailing on and jumping off to swim in the crystal-clear water and a day snorkeling. On the last day, we had tasty local food and had interesting conversations with the locals we met. It was a wonderful time there.

Island Hopping in the Indian Ocean

I booked an air ticket on an Air Madagascar flight to Comoros. Wishing to travel to all three islands, I started the journey from Grande Comore. During the flight, I got to enjoy a great aerial view of Comoros from the window. I'm glad I chose an air ticket that flew during the day! As we arrived at Comoros, we saw the beautiful coastlines and lush interiors. The landscapes that I saw in Comoros are still clear in my mind. I already miss Comoros.

Comoros Travel FAQs

Q. Where should I go in Comoros?

A. Grand Comore island is home to Mount Karthala, the highest point on the island and one of two volcanos on this island. Most flights will fly there, so it is a convenient trip. The volcano is home to many rare and endangered species. You can experience a whole new world of wildlife and natural wonders. Comoros, like many other islands in the Indian Ocean, has a vibrant ecosystem that developed in isolation from the rest of the world. The natural beauty of Comoros is well worth the cost of an air ticket as most people will never see that kind of natural diversity in their lives!

Q. Do women need to cover their heads in the Comoros?

A. Women are not required to cover their heads in Comoros, but visitors should be respectful of the host culture. Keep in mind that in Comoros, wearing swimwear is restricted to a beach or a pool. When you buy your ticket, consider the season and what kind of weather to expect; this will also help you plan your wardrobe.

Q. When is the best season to visit Comoros?

A. While Comoros is a beautiful place all year round, there are two seasons to choose between when buying a ticket, the monsoon season from November to April and the dry season from May to October. Temperatures in Comoros range from the high-to-mid teens to the low thirties, and it is very humid all year. It is better to travel during the dry season as many interesting activities such as snorkeling or trekking can be enjoyed.

Comoros - Direct Flights to Major Airports

Airports handling direct flights toPrince Said Ibrahim International Airport• Dubai International Airport • Jomo Kenyatta International Airport • Julius Nyerere International Airport • Ivato International Airport etc

Airports handling direct flights toOuani Airport• Dzaoudzi-Pamandzi International Airport • Julius Nyerere International Airport • Ivato International Airport etc

Flight Routes to Comoros

Both international and local airlines with flights often departing from East Africa or other islands in the Indian Ocean fly to Comoros. The major airport is Prince Said Ibrahim International Airport (NAH). Ouani Airport (AJN) is also available.