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The Perfect Souvenirs You Should Bring Back From a Trip to Thailand


Depending on where you go, finding souvenirs to buy can be a bit of a challenge, but the biggest challenge you'll likely face when looking for gifts to take home from Thailand is managing to narrow down your choices from the huge variety of goods available. To give you a bit of inspiration on what to get, we've listed a few edible and non edible souvenirs, perfect for bringing back. Of course, once you're actually out exploring the sunny beaches, glimmering temples and vibrant cities of Thailand for yourself, you'll be sure to see plenty more things you'll want to fill your suitcase with.

Dried Fruit

Photo byDMITRIY TSYBENKO/Shutterstock

Walk into any convenience store, market or grocery store in Thailand and you'll be sure to come across plenty of awesome snacks that you can take home to share with family and friends. Dried fruits such as mango and durian tend to be quite a popular choice with travelers, and they're usually so much cheaper than packets you'll find in your home country.

Elephant Pants

Photo byThe'Bill/Shutterstock

If you're traveling through Southeast Asia, it will be nothing short of a miracle if you don't come across these comfy elephant pants that are sold at seemingly every market in the region. Some people might look down on these cheap, elephant print pants, referring to them as tacky Southeast Asian backpacker wear. Don't let that stop you from getting a pair or even two however. They're super comfy to wear and make for a great souvenir to bring back from your trip.

For those traveling on a longer journey these pants are a life-saver, not only are they so comfortable but are also perfect for the hot sticky weather. easily letting cooler air inside. Also let's be honest, who doesn't want a pair of pants with elephants printed all over them.

Thai Tea

Photo byGuy' S Art

Fruit Soap

While coffee is popular nowadays in Thailand, tea has always been the traditional drink of choice and visiting the Land of Smiles without trying the aromatic, flavorful milk tea found ubiquitously around the country is simply not done. The mix of strong tea leaves and different Thai spices can be easily bought at most markets in Thailand, along with the most popular 'Number One Brand' which also offers tea bags available to purchase. For something a little healthier, get your hands on some lemongrass tea, a wonderfully aromatic and mild citrus flavor that's also perfect for fighting colds.

Photo byJayJay-Ph/Shutterstock

You'll often find shops at Thai markets covered in bars of soap with smells from all corners of the nasal spectrum, many of which are carved into the fruit or food of the smell they represent. Not only do they smell and look lovely, Thai soaps are usually really cheap and make for a brilliant gift for almost anyone. After all, who doesn't use soap?

Thai Curry Paste


For the home cooks among us, heading to a Thai wet market to buy a bag of freshly made curry paste is a must. It's so much more tastier than the packaged, mass-produced stuff you often find abroad. Unfortunately it won't last as long, and bringing it back to your home country might not be allowed, so make sure to check beforehand. Otherwise stock up on some of the local brands that you won't be able to find at home. one of the most popular of which is Nam Jai.

Fried Pork Skin


The perfect snack for munching on lengthy journeys around Southeast Asia, you'll find this crispy fried pork skin all over the country, but mostly around the northern regions such as Chiang Mai. Similar to the western variety of pork crackling, we find the Thai version is more flavorful and fatty. It also goes perfectly with a side of fluffy or sticky rice, which is often how people eat it in Thailand.


For the ultimate place to shop for gifts, head to the weekend market in Bangkok, also known as Chatuchak Market. A huge sprawling complex, you'll find locals here selling all kinds of wares, for cheaper prices than most other markets around the capital. Make sure to bring a bigger suitcase, you'll regret not being able to fit everything you want to take back.