Photo by Mark Fischer

Jamestown:Nicknamed As the Furniture Capital of the World


Jamestown is a famous city in New York, United States. It hosted one of the largest population and was once nicknamed as the Furniture Capital of the World. This is one of the most exciting city to visit, and this is depicted by the plethora of museums, parks and other sightseeing areas in the town. There are several cafes and restaurants to meet the demands of your needs as you set to tour the city.

1. Jamestown Train Station


Jamestown railway station conjures up the spirit of the old railways' station and how they looked like. It is a fantastic site for archeologist and historians to study the nature of the early rails. The support in the area is friendly, and they will often guide you on the routines that are stipulated in the station. You will enjoy seeing extensive options of engines both working and not working. For everyone who loves trains, this is a must-see area. Hop for a ride in the trains as you grab your popcorns. It is an area that has been accredited for forming a good family outing.

2. Chautauqua Sports Hall of Fame

The Chautauqua Sports Hall of Fame is a famous area in New York and it has been known for being the center of sports. It was established in 1980 in respect of the county. In Chautauqua Sports Hall of Fame, and you won’t fail to find some of the common sport like bowling, basketball, baseball and auto racing. All-star basketball and baseball events have once been organized in this place. This has often attracted thousands of tourists across the globe. Tribute has been given to some of the most famous people like Dan Stimson who have helped build the hall of fame.

3. Lucille Ball Memorial Park

Photo byAdam Moss

The Lucille Ball Memorial Park is a small park that is filled with a couple of statues, grills, playgrounds and picnic tables also. It forms a cool place to take a drink and take a right afternoon nap. The park is located near a river, and it creates a great site to host a picnic. The town s charming and has several activities that you can do so as not to be bored. The lake view is impeccable, and the playgrounds are also safe to play in. There is also a fishing pier and a lighthouse. Stop in this place and make history.

4. Fenton History Center

Fenton History Center is an excellent place to tour while in Jamestown. It is fortunate for the children who are below the age of 17 that they will be admitted for free. Although as an adult you may be charged, this history center will prove worth it. The exhibits that are in this center are occasionally added which is a good thing. You will have to see something new each time that you will go back to this historic center. It is paramount to make calls and make reservations before visiting this sight-seeing area. Alternatively, as students, families or even tourists, you can always apply for the membership program to get discounts.

5. Lucy Desi Museum

This museum aims at preserving the memory of the Lucille Ball and Arnaz and their persistent effort in the televisions. This museum keeps track of their personal life and the roles that they played. Fun costumes are in this museum as part of the exhibits. This museum also continually swaps the displays for some new ones. The power of laughter and healing is celebrated in this museum, and that is one thing that you can stop and make a tribute to. The museum is full of stuff that uplifts and enriches the souls as it helps you to date back to those perfect moments they shared.

6. Allen Park

The sole purpose of Allen Park was to bridge the connection between the community and the city officials. The Money Magazines in America identified Allen Park as one of the best cities in the USA. The site is perfect for going for a picnic with your grills, bandshell and also doing exercises such as yoga. Though the park is small, you are still in a position to a range of outdoor activities. Ride your bikes as you explore the park further.

7. Lakewood Beach


Evade all your busy schedule and go to these places that will offer you the recreation that you want. The Lakewood beach has it all. It has resorts that will provide you with the comfort to escape the stressful activities that you go through. This place is right to make memories with your family. The younger kids can always enjoy their youth on this site. Go for boat and bike riding, or you can even do golfing on this beach. There are apartments in this beach that you can buy and secure land for your coming generations.

◎ Closing

Jamestown is still the place that can help you discover the importance of museums and parks. The activities that you can do while you are in this town are numerous. This is why you should never turn down an offer to tour this place to get even breaks from your schedules. This is the place to be.