Florence : The Beautiful Cradle of the Renaissance


Florence boasts as a picturesque city that’s hailed as being the cradle of the Renaissance. The entire Florence city center has been deemed a UNESCO World Heritage site. Florence is a prime paradise destination for tourists looking to experience some world-class art and gourmet. These are some of the quaint spots popular for sightseeing in this Tuscan metropolis:

One of the most picturesque cities in Europe, Florence is known as being the cradle of the Renaissance, with the whole city being deemed a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It's the perfect example of the beautiful Italian architecture found in the country, with a number of incredible structures lining its streets,

1. Piazzale Michelangelo

The Piazzale Michelangelo is one of the most famous lookouts for those looking for a stunning panoramic view of Florence. While the sculpture itself is beautiful fpr its rendition of the Italian sculpture Michelangelo, the really gem here is the view. Despite the many flights of stairs, it's still worth it especially for the incredible photo opportunities during sunset or just to get a glimpse of the beautiful city of Florence.

2. Uffizi Galleries

The Uffizi Galleries host the world’s largest collection of Renaissance art dating back to the 16th and 17th centuries. These are art collections by members of the Medici family. The gallery features works by renowned artists such as Michelangelo and Da Vinci. Famous paintings and ancient Roman sculptures can also be found in this gallery. Within the gallery is a beautiful renaissance office with a magnificently painted eye-catching ceiling. The beauty of this place really is stunning, which can often mean an influx of visitors so make sure to book on their website to avoid the long queues.

3. Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore

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The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore is an impressive Gothic-style cathedral in Florence because it is the third largest church in the world. This magnificent church was designed by Arnolfo di Cambio and was named in honor of Santa Maria del Fiore. It's mainly known for the incredible trademark dome which is considered by many to be the symbol of the city. It took a grand total of two centuries for the church to be completely finished, although witnessing the magnificent structure it isn't so surprising.

4. The Bargello

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The Bargello is one of the most important of the art museums in the city, originally constructed as a palace the building was used for several centuries as a barracks and prison. The museum hosts a vast collection of beautiful Italian Renaissance sculptures. The sculptures cut across different time periods from the late medieval works to the 13th and 14th centuries. Aside from the sculptures, there are some excellent paintings, a lovely room full of Islamic art, a beautiful collection of carved ivory, and a collection of Medici coins and bronzes medallions.

5. Scarpelli Mosaici

Scarpelli Mosaic is a workshop in the heart of Florence that features artifacts by master craftsmen Leonardo and Renzo Scarpelli. Their tradition of layering mosaics on stone is still a treasured practice at the workshop here. You can even get to see demonstrations of how the mosaics are cut and brought to life. It's also fun to watch artists on their workbenches create their stone paintings.

6. Cappella Brancacci

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Cappella Brancacci is a small chapel known for the incredible masterpiece depicting the Life of Saint Peter. It was first designed by Masaccio and Masolino but completed by Filippino Lippi and Cappella Brancacci. Despite the alcove not being very big, the frescoes and murals are one of the most popular attractions in Monaco. There is a room next to the bookstore where one can watch a short film about the history the church and also brochures to aid in learning more.

7. Boboli Gardens

A welcome respite from traversing the narrow, winding streets of Florence, Boboli Gardens is home to a collection of sculptures that date back to the 16th century. Although you'll need to pay to get access to the gardens, it's well worth it and also includes visiting the Pitti Palace.

8. Campanile di Giotto

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One of the most beautiful structures that stands out even in the incredible city of Florence, the Campanile di Giotto towers over the cathedral complex of Florence. The architecture and intricate patterns that adorn the tower are stunning, but easily the most breathtaking part is the panoramic view from the top. Although you'll have to climb a total of 414 steps to get there, it's well worth it for the beautiful view over the picturesque city of Florence.

9. Opera di Firenze

Opera di Firenze is a simple but beautifully charming opera theater. It's located not so far from the Palazzo Pitti and is one of the best places to catch a concert while visiting the city. It stands out as one of the few modern buildings set in the midst of the historic city, though being surrounded by greenery helps to keep the city's old atmosphere intact.

10. Cupola del Brunelleschi

Cupola del Brunelleschi is a architectural Renaissance masterpiece taking inspiration from the famous Pantheon in Rome. Its design features a distinctive octagonal form. It stands at 91 meters high and 45.5 meters wide. The architecture is one to marvel about as over four million bricks were used making a vertical herringbone pattern. Visits are to be made in advance on reservation either online or at the physical office. Since there are two queues, be keen not to end up on the one leading to the church instead of the cupola.


Florence is an irresistible city to anyone who values historical architectural and fine arts. You will get lost in its romance and uttermost heavenly atmosphere. From its arts and architecture evolution, exquisite culinary variants to the many boutique shipping opportunities, Florence will make your travel stay classy and pleasant.