Accra : Experience Africa in Its True Colors


Accra is the capital city of Ghana and moves with a pace of its own. It is placed on the Atlantic coast and the city has many waterfronts each of which has its own beauty. The city has parks and other memorials that talk about the country’s struggle for independence. With vibrant culture and colorful life, here are the nine places that you must not miss to visit when in Ghana:

1. Elmina Castle

This is now rightfully listed in the list of World Heritage Sites because of the eventful past that it has seen since the time it was constructed 1482. The castle was earlier used as a trade center for gold and ivory. Time changed when the Dutch bombarded it in the year 1637 and then they took over the gold and ivory trade here and also added slave trade to it. It was estimated that roughly 30000 slaves were traded every here in the Elmina Castle. It was only in 1817 that Slave Trade was abolished by the Dutch. Since independence of Ghana the castle is being used as a school and a police center since 1957.

2. Cape Coast Castle

Photo bywiktord/

This is one of the most historic places in the history of Ghana and makes ones shiver as to the atrocities that the black slaves were exposed to in the times gone by. The foundation of the castle was set in 1653 and with so many companies and colonial powers interested in the natural resources of Ghana tried to get their foot in the place. It was finally the British company that ruled the place before the country sought its freedom. The castle has some goriest of stories to tell about the treatment that was meted out to the people who were captured like animals to become slaves and how they were shipped all over the world like commodities.

3. National Museum of Ghana

This is the biggest and the oldest of the six museums that come under the forte of Ghana Museums and Monuments Board. This board was set up only on the eve of the independence of the country in 1957. In 1952 the need was felt to preserve the past and to protect the monuments and objects that tell the story of the struggles that the country had been through. Today, this national museum is the pride of the Ghana that tells the world about what the country stands for.

4. Brazil House

The Ghana community has been through a lot of upheaval back in time especially because of the practice of slavery that the colonial powers exploited to the core. Rich in natural resources there was never a shortage of the colonial powers trying to get their foot in West Africa. All this scarred the community as well as the future generation with the African people getting slaved all over the world in staggering numbers. It was only when the process of rehabilitation of the people started with the abolition of slave that relief was restored. Brazil House pays tribute to all people who suffered such atrocities and narrates their stories today.

5. Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum

Photo bySura Nualpradid/

This memorial park has been constructed to honor the man who led Ghana to the path of freedom by his sheer vision and knowledge about what his country and people where plunged into. In the span of 62 years of his life he did everything for his country and his people and also brought to light the reality that drove colonialism and how it worked all over the world for a few colonial powers. He died in 1972 because of skin cancer but not before he was awarded numerous awarded and honors during his lifetime and even after that.

6. Independence Arch

This is also called the Black Star Square and Independence Square. This is a vast area of concrete that has words “Freedom And Justice” embossed upon it. This truly summarizes what the struggle of Ghana independence has been all about. It is bordered by the sports stadium on one side and the Kwame Nkrumah Park on the other. It was commissioned by Kwame Nkrumah to honor the visit of Queen Elizabeth II in the year 1962. It is only the second largest square in the world the first one being in China.

7. Osu Castle

Photo byDylan Walters

The castle has changed before it finally belonged to where it rightfully deserved; to the government of Ghana. It is located in Osu in Accra on the coast of Atlantic Ocean’s Gulf of Guinea. It was originally the Danes who constructed the castle in the seventeenth century but then was passed on to Portuguese, the Akwamu, then the British after which Ghana attained freedom and the castle came back to its people. It was used as the seat of the Government till the year 2013 when the president moved it to the Flagstaff House.

8. Labadi Beach

Photo byWorldRemit Comms

This is one of the most loved beaches in Accra and reveals the free spirit and fun loving side of the people here. In fact it is officially named as La Pleasure beach that people of all age groups enjoy. Come weekend and the beach is brimming with people and so many activities offered here. The vast beach is dotted with coconut trees. You can go surfing, dance to the loud music and get on the groove with the party. There are bars and restaurants all lined up for you to have a great time.

9. Nubuke Foundation

This is a grand way of honoring all the works of art that speak of Ghana culture. It is a visual and cultural center that has taken up the task of promoting and preserving the artworks that define the Ghanaian culture and expression of all form of art. They offer unrelenting support to all everyone who is interested in this form of creative expression. The exhibitions is the way of showcasing all the great works that have been accomplished by people from all walks of life, classics as well as contemporary. Regular workshops and seminars are also held to keep up the spirit of the place.


Accra is actually one of the hidden gems for those who believe that holiday is all about exploring new facets of life. With varied and turbulent past this place has done a tremendous job of being on the road to development and with so many milestones of development to its credit.