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Tea Master Offering Online Japanese Tea Ceremony Workshop via Zoom


While visiting Japan from abroad for tourism is still out of the question, the world is helping to bring tourism right into your lap with online experiences and showcases. Several Japanese theme parks have already shared their rides online for VR users to experience and companies are even offering virtual 'Zoom' tours of places around the world.

Now one tea master from Tokyo is bringing the option to try traditional Japanese tea ceremonies at the comfort of your own home.

What is a Japanese Tea Ceremony?

Photo bydach_chan/Shutterstock

In Japan, brewing tea is a form of art and these traditional tea ceremonies are a cultural experience of which you won't find anywhere else in the world. The whole ceremony can last up to four hours, with every movement and step carefully planned and performed.

Even the clothing of the performer and the decoration is the room is usually given careful thought and certain rules to follow.

For those with an interest in Japanese culture, witnessing a tea ceremony is a must and for anyone with a passion for tea, the ceremony is also an invaluable chance to learn.

Japanese Tea Master Sougai Okada

Sougai Okada has been touring the world offering tea ceremonies and workshops since his first in New York back in 2002. After diligently learning under his teacher since he was 15, in 2007 he started a monthly beginner workshop in Shinagawa, Tokyo for those interesting in learning about the art of tea.

What Does the Online Workshop Include?

Photo byBluesnaps/Shutterstock

For those in Japan, you can choose to have a tea set delivered to you which includes the same tea used along with wagashi (traditional Japanese sweets) for ¥3,500. You'll need to have your own equipment for making the tea. Those residing outside of Japan can opt to just join the online workshop (you can use your own tea) for ¥1,500.

How to Join the Workshop

Unfortunately for those who don't speak Japanese, the booking platform and registration is only in Japanese.

Explanations during the ceremony will be in Japanese only, however there is time at the end for participants to ask questions, which can be asked in English.

For those in Tokyo, you can participate in person at the ceremony's location in Shinagawa.