Particularly during the ‘Scramble for Africa’, European colonial powers controlled most of Africa, around 90% in fact. With Liberia formed as a colony that existed for 17 years, every country in Africa was colonized at some point apart from Ethiopia. Abyssinia or the Ethiopian Empire was a strong empire that lasted for hundreds of years, and a prominent reason why the country has such a unique culture.

While technically the country was occupied for five years before and during World War Two when Italy invaded Ethiopia, it wasn’t recognized by most countries and Ethiopian guerrilla forces still held parts of the country.

Photo by Anton_Ivanov/Shutterstock

Incredible Facts You Didn’t Know About Ethiopia


Ethiopia is an incredible country with a very unique culture, fascinating history and stunning landscapes. Once seen as an extremely poor country in Africa during the 90s, often portrayed by starving children in international media, poverty in Ethiopia has decreased by a huge amount in recent years. While poverty is still a problem in Ethiopia like much of Africa, Addis Ababa is developing rapidly and becoming one of the most up and coming cities in Africa and a hotspot for cultural tourism.

For just a few of the many reasons this country is so interesting, here are some amazing facts you probably didn't know about Ethiopia.

Ethiopia was the Birthplace of Coffee

Photo byArtush/Shutterstock

Countries like Brazil and Vietnam might be more famous in the world of this international favorite beverage, but Ethiopia is where coffee first originated from. As you'd expect from the beverage's birthplace, drinking coffee in Ethiopia is a unique experience. Known as a coffee ceremony, locals perform a ritual that often lasts about 30 minutes to appreciate this delicious drink as much as possible. Even for those that don't drink coffee visiting Ethiopia, this cultural experience is something that can't be missed.

Home to One of the Lowest Places in the World, the Danakil Depression


At over 100 meters below sea level, the Danakil Depression in Ethiopia is one of the lowest points in the world and the African continent. It's also the hottest point on earth if calculated by average year-round temperatures. Facts aside however, this place in Ethiopia is visually stunning and one of the most unique landscapes on earth that really warrants seeing it with your own eyes.

The area is also said to be the cradle of humanity after the finding of human fossils dating back 3.2 million years ago.

The Ethiopian Language has its Own Unique Script and it's Beautiful


Although there are 86 different languages used in the country, Amharic is the official working language and spoken by most of the population. Unlike most languages around the world, Amharic hasn't adopted a major script or alphabet used such as Arabic or Latin. The Amharic alphabet looks incredibly unique and unlike any other alphabet around the world.

Ethiopia has Thirteen Months to the Year

Photo byWirestock Images/Shutterstock

Ethiopia is one of the few countries in the world that still uses its own calendar and unlike most of the world, has an extra 13th month comprised of 'leftover days'. Each month in Ethiopia is 30 days and in order to make 365 days a year, there are 5 (6 in a leap year) days that form an extra month at the end of the year known as Pagume.

Ethiopia's time system runs a little different to the rest of the world too. As the country is next to the equator, the sun rises and sets at pretty much the same time throughout the year, prompting Ethiopians to start the day at dawn and end it at dusk. Ethiopia runs a twelve hour day and twelve hour night, meaning sunrise is 1 o'clock and sunset is 12 o'clock, six hours different to the rest of the world.

Ethiopia is the Only Nation in Africa to Never be Colonized

Particularly during the 'Scramble for Africa', European colonial powers controlled most of Africa, around 90% in fact. With Liberia formed as a colony that existed for 17 years, every country in Africa was colonized at some point apart from Ethiopia. Abyssinia or the Ethiopian Empire was a strong empire that lasted for hundreds of years, and a prominent reason why the country has such a unique culture.

While technically the country was occupied for five years before and during World War Two when Italy invaded Ethiopia, it wasn't recognized by most countries and Ethiopian guerrilla forces still held parts of the country.

Facts about Ethiopia: Conclusion

With such a unique culture and long, fascinating history, Ethiopia is a country that never fails to surprise and entertain visitors. Nowadays it's one of the fastest growing economies in Africa and a vibrant travel destination on the continent. Tourism in Ethiopia is still relatively low despite the country's attractions, and Ethiopia is relatively safe compared to most countries in Africa even in Addis Ababa.