Samos : Greece and Its Legends


This tiny little Greek Island has something historic about it that everybody will relate to. We all either love Maths or hate it, but cannot ignore it. When we talk about Mathematic, we cannot skip the landmark Pythagoras in it. Samos is known to be the birthplace of this Historian Pythagoras. Here is a list of ten places that make Samos worth a visit:

1. Heraion of Samos

The construction of the temple dates back to 8th century and since then a lot has happened ever since. The original temple was destroyed after about ten years and the reason for this has been credited to an earthquake. The temple was made to honor Goddess Hera and found place for itself in UNESCO world heritage sites in the year 1992. Not much of the architecture remains of this once-glorious-temple but what is worth seeing the Greek floor plan of the temple. One of the giant statues has been preserved in the Samos Archaeological Museum.

2. Samos Wine Museum

You really didn’t think you would leave Greece without having taste of its legendary wine. This is the flavors of this Greek Island in a bottle. It is like the smell; fragrance and the very spirit of Samos have been bottled up and presented stylishly before you in the form of wine. You can check out the various levels that your drink has to go through before it is reached your table. All of it will be learning in its own manner as you get to taste various flavors of wine and take your pick.

3. Tunnel of Eupalinos


This tunnel was constructed in the 6th century BC and the main intention of building this tunnel was to the provide water is Samos from the “Agiades” that had to come through this tunnel in mount “Kastron”. What we see today is an engineering marvel that is very precise geometrically and actually provided water to the city of Samos for about a thousand years. What is even more difficult to understand that how was this task ever accomplished in times when there was no access to fine and precise geometric instruments?

4. Archaeological Museum of Pythagorion

The rich heritage of the island of Samos especially in the form of excavations that date back to being as old as from 9th to 2nd century BC has been displayed here. The most prominent are the ones that have found from the excavations from the site of Heraion. There is a marble statue of Aiakes that is in a seated posture and it also has an inscription that it was dedicated to Hera. There is also a marble portrait of Augustus and Claudius. All these findings through a lot of light of light on the research that went in these fields.

5. Art Space Pythagorion

This foundation has been setup with purpose of promoting and encouraging the exchange of values across all cultures. The main focus is on the area of art and music. These are the two aspects that are always on the verge of change of transformation at all times. And hence understanding the forces that inspire such changes make it easier to understand many other aspects as well. In future the foundation hopes to involve aspects such as the psychoanalysis, theology as well as other forms of natural sciences.

6. Moni Megali Panagia


This is a very beautiful 16th century monastery that is set on a very peaceful and serene surrounding. There is also a church that is surrounded by very high walls and is open for the public to explore. It is said that the church was built on the remains of the ancient Temple of Artemis. Even though the renovation work is still going, most of the walls of the church are worn out. There was a breakout of fire in the year 1990 that largely destroyed the monastery.

7. Mikro Seitani


This beach is one of those places in Greece that will reaffirm that image that you have had about Greece. It is located on one of the most secluded spots and is known for very clear war and deep sea. The sandy and pebbly stretch extends for about 400 meters. In fact the final journey that you will have to do in order to reach the beach has to be on foot and the place has not been tampered with to make it accessible through road. One is also advised to carry his own water and snacks.

8. Paralia Potami

This is one of the other scenic, untouched and serene beaches of Samos that one not should miss out on. The vast stretch of white sand and clean blue water is what attracts tourists the most. It is very accessible from the main city and is a great way to relax to the soothing waves of the sea. It is a wonderful destination to surf, swim, drive and walk. A wonderful way to spend quality time with loved ones while on vacation. The skyline offers the view of the mountains at the other end of the sea.

9. Pythagoras Cave

Photo byJacomo/

Well if you ever wondered as to what inspired Pythagoras to come up with such valuable ideas and make landmarks in the study of mathematics, you may come across the answers in Pythagoras Cave. The great philosopher, musician, astrologer, doctor and mathematician chose to live here in these caves for certain of his life. There are two caves, the bigger of which was used by him for teaching and to provide water. There is also a chapel of Saint John visit that people visit. Of the three rooms in the cave in which Pythagoras lived you can visit only two.

10. Pythagoras Statue

Photo byCem OZER/

Erected on the port of Greece, this bronze statue of the legendary Pythagoras has been the very spirit and essence of Samos. It is placed on the Pythagorion Harbor or maybe it is the harbor that gets its name from the statue. In fact those interested in Mathematics will not take a minute to understand what the structure is all about. It is shaped like a right angled triangle which is all what the Pythagoras theorem stands for. The concrete jetty on which the statue stands is all covered with symbols that point at scientific and philosophical theories in connection to the legend.

◎ Closing

With its pristine beaches, mesmerizing landscape and the place that produced the great legend of Pythagoras, Samos is a place that one must visit in a lifetime. Whether travelling alone or with family, this destination will ensure that you carry loads of memories back home with you to cherish for a lifetime!