Photo by Sergii Zinko/

Nice: Picture-perfect Coastline in the South of France


Nice is the capital of the Alpes-Maritime region in France, often featured as the world's most famous coastline situated on the beautiful French Riviera. Apart from the beautiful beaches that stretch down the coastline It's also home to a range of different fascinating tourist attractions in the area such as museums, churches, gorgeous scenery and historical sites. Here are ten of the best things to do if you're visiting the city.

1. Vieille Ville (Old Town)

Photo byArtur Bogacki/

The Vieille Ville is the old town of Nice also popularly known as 'Babazouk'. The area is full of picturesque sights and charming architecture to soak up with a wonderful relaxing atmosphere. Make sure to head to the Musée Dufy museum to see some of the best cultural attractions and artwork displayed there. The collection of paintings are attractive and show the beautiful landscape and wonderfully captures the scenes of the countryside around Nice. Explore the town to see the historical Baroque church that dates back to 17th century and check out the stunning cathedral with its outstanding interior designs.

2. Promenade des Anglais

Photo byAleksandar Todorovic/

One of the most stunning seafront promenades in the country, Promenade des Anglais stretches alongside some gorgeous and enticing sandy beaches. Apart from the views over the beautiful coastline, the promenade also offers picturesque views over the town itself. After walking down the walkway, head to the adjacent beach and choose a spot of sand to relax and soak up the sun on.

3. Parc de la Colline du Château (Castle Hill Park)

Photo byMargarita Hintukainen/

A hill-side park that rises up over the coastline of Nice, Castle Hill Park is home to some beautiful scenery, wonderfully maintained gardens along with a number of picturesque waterfalls. When on a sightseeing tour enjoy the food and refreshments in the restaurants and make sure to do some shopping in boutique shops around the park. There are beautiful pathways that are well designed to view each attraction. Enjoy the cool breeze from the downside hill as you watch the natural beauty of the countryside around Nice.

4. Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art

Photo byMetro Centric

The Musée d'Art Moderne et d'Art Contemporain is an informative and attractive museum that was opened in 1990. It holds the most magnificent art’s movements such as the Avant-grade French. There are permanent and temporary collections from famous artists such as Kenneth Noland, Jules Olitski and Larry Poons making it stand out as an innovative museum. Also, it is home to the theater where one can enjoy numerous performances from popular musicians and comedians. The interior of the building is attractive and retains a number of pictures engraved all along the wall. It's free entry and remains open Tuesdays through to Sunday from 10 AM – 6 PM.

5. Cimiez Monastery

The natural and beautiful gardens surround the Cimiez Monastery located near to the Roman amphitheater. It was formerly a monastery used in the 17th century. Tourists get to see the artistic and structure that showcases the unique Gothic design used around 1650. See the eye-catching pictures showing the development of the church and Christianity. Take a walk around the church to enjoy the natural beauty illuminated by the unique flowers found around the gardens.

6. Albert I Garden


The Jardin Albert I is a large garden that is situated between the Avenue des Phocéens and the Avenue de Verdun. The gardens here are a paradise for those with an affinity for outdoor activities such as exploring the expansive greenery. You'll also find a stage that regularly offers events such as music performances, concerts and rock festivals.

7. Musée Chagall

The Musée Chagall is a French national museum that is named and dedicated to renowned painter Marc Chagall. It was opened in 1993 to show the works by the painter that were inspired by religion in Nice. It offers visitors a large collection of exhibitions that range from paintings, sculptures, stained glass and mosaic. Pay attention to the walls with their biblical themes. The museum also boasts of extensive exhibits from artists that dominate the walls of the museum. The museum is free and is open throughout the year for visitors.

8. Musée des Beaux-Arts


The best place to find collections of fine art dating back to the 15th and 20th centuries. The exhibits show a range of different famous artworks from French impressionists to Italian and Flemish works. Enjoy learning about famous artists such as Sisley, Fragonard, Braque and Degas. Take a walk in the different rooms that are dedicated to showcasing specific artwork from each artist throughout time.

9. Place Garibaldi

Photo byKirill Neiezhmakov/

Place Garibaldi is a stunning square situated next to the Musée d'Art Moderne et d'Art Contemporain. It was designed and built in the 18th century, and is one of the largest and most lively squares in the city. The square is named after Giuseppe Garibaldi, an Italian freedom fighter who tried to make Nice part of Italy during the Italian Reunification Movement. Make sure to take a tour of the museum here to see the pictures and paintings that show the struggles during the fight for freedom. It is open throughout the year and features guided tours inside to learn about the various pieces of art displayed there and their meaning.

10. Cathédrale Orthodoxe Russe Saint-Nicolas

Photo byCezary Wojtkowski/

Built in 1912, the Cathédrale Orthodoxe Russe Saint-Nicolas is considered as one of the most beautiful orthodox churches found outside Russia. This stunning building is full of beautifully designed interiors decorated with ornamental items, murals and detailed carved woodwork.


Nice is a beautiful place to visit if you're looking to chill out and soak up the sun in one of Europe's most idyllic beach destinations. Apart from its beautiful coastline however, there are a number of fascinating things to do in the city, enough to keep anyone's itinerary full.