Rodez : Modern Fairytale Land with Dreamy Castles, Baroque Cathedrals and Medieval Feel


Rodez is a small and quaint medieval city in the south of France and is known for its romantic vibe. The landscape of Rodez is intriguing surrounded by picturesque valleys, high plateaus of Grand Causses and the Segala hills. The vibrant and colorful sandstone buildings stand along the lanes of the city. The cathedrals and gorgeous architectures of the place are not only enthralling but are the greatest attractions. It is hometown of Pierre Soulages who is acclaimed living painters. The city is home to many museums that display the culture and heritage. The medieval mansions, old cobbled streets and gorgeous stonework that are centuries old make the better part of the city.

1. Rodez Cathedral

Photo byJordi Santacana Figuerola/

The Notre Dame de Rodez Cathedral is a significant and popular cathedral that stands beautifully in the heart of the city. The Gothic architecture and red sandstone 87- meter bell towers displays a mesmerizing glimpse of the cathedral façade. It is rebuilt in 1276 in pink sandstone. It is a national monument and the west side of the cathedral is closed. The remarkable Gothic style by architect Jean Deschamps of church is marvelous and the front of the church is flanked by two sturdy towers.

2. Denys-Puech Museum

Photo byB. Carlson

It is one of the iconic museums for fine arts that is a haven for art and creative lover. It is definitely something that must not be missed while on a trip to Rodez. The museum is named after famous sculptor Denys Puech who lived in the area in the 19th and 20th century. The museum has many permanent and temporary exhibitions displaying various forms of art. The museum was found in 1903 and the nouveau buildings even offer stunning view of the Rodez city. There are permanent collections of painting by eminent painters and temporary exhibitions by contemporary and creative artists.

3. Royal Fortress of Najac

The chateau of Najac or the royal fortress is a beautiful castle that was built in the year in 1253 on orders of Alphonse de Poitiers. It was built on site of an older castle that was built in 1100. It was perched on top of a hill that is formed by a loop of river. There are towers that were constructed on each corner of castle and inner bailey has a rough rectangle with 40 m long side. It has 6.80 m high archeres for which it also holds a world record. It is built 200 meters above the Aveyron River.

4. Musee Fenaille


It is one of the most elegant and oldest residences in the city of Rodex with a museum that takes you back to the interesting history starting from Neolithic period. The façade has rustic moldings and the courtyard has an interesting wooden gallery. The museum represents unique collection of archeology with art and history that dates back to Rouergue region, earliest of traces of existence of men. Dame de Saint Sernin is a showpiece which is the main attraction which was discovered in 1888 and is estimated to be around 5000 years old.

5. Old town of Rodez

There is smell of vintage and romance that as you stroll through the old town of Rodez. The street plan looks ancient and vibrant as they are lined on both sides by fine, quaint old houses. Most of the residents around the old town are merchants. It is a connecting bridge between medieval and renaissance of modernity that makes the vibe rightly served for curious soul. The historic houses and private mansions in sandstone from 14th to 17th centuries make it alluring to the visitors.

6. Musee Soulages


The stylish museum took a long time to be constructed but now stands with its magnificent and artistic architecture in the city. It is one of the most stylish art museums in Rodez with huge collection of sculpture, lithography, photographs, paintings and screen prints. The museum is dedicated to the exceptional work of French Artist Pierre Soulange. It has a huge area dedicated to temporary exhibition and number of art events is hosted inside the museum. There are many permanent art work also available inside the museum.

7. Episcopal palace

Photo byMarie PASTUREL/

The Episcopal palace dates back from the 15th century and is located within the present cathedral and ruins of the medieval city. It is one of the oldest and iconic monuments which is currently the home of General Council of Aveyron. In 1684 Paul-Louis Philippe de Lezay de Lusignan was appointed as Bishop of Rodez and that is when the construction of the place started. The construction ended somewhere in 1964. It is built with a stylish architecture with a staircase that is the reminiscent of Chateau de Fountainebleau.

8. Eglise Saint Amans


The sandstone edifice and the gorgeous church is an example of marvelous structure that originated in 1100s. However due to old construction it started to crumble a little by 1600s. In 18th century, it was rebuilt in a baroque style and the interiors with high rise ceilings and outer sandstone architecture keep the medieval look intact. Saint Amans was Rodez’s first Bishop appointed in the 5th century. There are many gorgeous tapestries adorning the church.

9. Belcastel and Estaing

Photo byLIMA Charles/

These absolutely gorgeous and stunning villages are in close proximity to Rodez and its spectacular beauty reminds you of fairytale. Belcastel village is very close to Rodez with dreamy sandstone mansions and houses, arch bridges and located on the bank of the Aveyron River in the Segala Range. The rustic houses and wooden art galleries and the lush green mountain range in the backdrop make it amazing. Estaing has modern houses on each sides and a bridge with UNESCO tag.

◎ Closing

Rodez is a city that engulfs you in awe with the medieval sandstone houses, mansions and architectures. The baroque cathedrals are important sightseeing places that attract millions through its intricate and marvelous architecture. It is a city that looks no less than a fairytale land with castles, arch bridges, sandstone architectures and medieval beauty.