Wichita:The Ancient Great Land of Old Towns and Museums


Wichita is an old country with an amazing history full of stories about kings and castles. Still, you can feel the greatness of pioneer days of Wichita in the museums all around the city. Wichita is also a place for nature lovers to explore hidden nature trails and wildlife sightseeing.

1. Sedgwick County Zoo

Photo byPeter Linehan

Sedgwick country Zoo must be the top of the list of sightseeing in Wichita. It has a wide range of animal shows including Gorillas, otters and Tiger shows. This Zoo is an absolute jewel hidden in Wichita. You can enjoy while getting educated about animals from the professionals in the zoo. Especially you can interact with the animals in the zoo and help feeders to feed them as well. So that is better if you can check the schedule before you enter the Wichita zoo just to make sure which are the events happening. If you are looking for an exceptional and up-close experience with animals, Sedgwick country zoo is the best place for you.

2. Botanica: The Wichita Gardens

Botanica: The Wichita Gardens is located in Sim Park with an amazingly beautiful flower gardens, butterfly gardens, and the award-winning Sally Stone Sensory Garden. It has various programs during the year for kids to enjoy the wilderness in Wichita. This horticultural masterpiece is well maintained and designed with easy paths with the access of handicap as well. It has various special events according to the time of year. Christmas and Halloween are two of best events organized in The Wichita garden for an exceptional experience in your life. It is a must visit during a sightseeing tour of Wichita.

3. The Keeper of the Plains

Photo byKSwinicki/shutterstock

This is one of the best landmarks to visit while your sightseeing tours in Wichita. It has a huge monument in the park area including a well-maintained bridge. Firepots of this monument lighting in the night and also sunsets are awesome here at the keeper of the Plains. Even its nice with fire pots, daytime is also good for visiting this place. It has a calm peaceful environment where you can sit and relax listening to the drums. This spectacular piece of art is known as a reflection of indigenous Native American History.

4. Museum of World Treasures

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This is known as the best place to watch ancient Egyptian history exhibits in Wichita. The well-maintained museum has very interesting parts of world history with more information. It is really worth to visit while sightseeing in Wichita to grab most of the history of the entire world. Various wars, art masterpieces and also cultural exhibits from the Ancient America also has become a major attraction in the museum. During the daytime, they offer interesting fun games and Q&A sessions to kids to enjoy the visit to the museum.

5. Old Cow Town Museum

This museum is made with collected building parts from the various locations of Wichita. It is a great place to feel the great days of ancient Wichita. It has old farms, schools and streets relocated to ensure visitors get the feeling of being in an old town in pioneer days of America. They offer purposeful activities to interact for bringing history to life. All the structures are located appropriately according to the time period of time from ancient days to recent history. If you love visiting the history of Wichita this must be a must visit on your sightseeing trip to ticked off.

6. Exploration Place

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This amazing place offers you hundreds of exhibits to teach and stimulate your mind to latest technologies. It started as a science museum for kids in 2000. Later they have added so much of interesting exhibits of recent technologies. It’s known as one of the best science museums for kids in the world. Since it covers all categories in the latest technology, including aviation and rocket science it is must-see during sightseeing at Wichita. It provides hours’ worth of educational fun facts for both kids and adults. Other than the technology it has some interesting activities outside the buildings for kids.

7. Wichita Art Museum

Wichita Art Museum consists of two buildings of amazing arts throughout the American History. The old building has a big Chilhuly glass ceiling hanging. It has 6 masterpieces of famous artists, the new section of the Wichita Art Museum is showcasing the modern world art from recent history. Also, it has architecturally interesting sculpture garden. It may be smaller than other art museums in the USA, but still worth a visit while sightseeing in Wichita to enjoy the recent art of 20th century from Midwest of the country.

8. Old Town

The old town of Wichita is an amazing place to hang out with friends while sightseeing at the city. It has really good restaurants and music all over the streets. It is full of old brick buildings and paved roads along shops and museums. Since it is not crowded as other attractions in Wichita, it is the best place to enjoy the evening while having a coffee in a small cafe along the corner. All the area is well maintained with lots of parking spaces and walking paths to have a walk into the historic past of the city.

9. Great Plains Nature Center

Great Plains Nature Center is a hidden gem for all nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts who enjoy the sightseeing at Wichita. It has various programs such as bird watching, indoor wildlife observatory and Paved hiking treks to enjoy the wildlife in the area. This is a great place to get connected to nature and feel the perfect relaxation without the hassle of the city. It has long trails to walk through the park, some snake shows and travelling exhibits of habitats of animals in the park.


Altogether Wichita has more important and interesting places to visit during the sightseeing tour in the Wichita city limits. All these museums, Wildlife centers, and beautiful landscapes in Wichita are can be discovered in a one-day sightseeing tour. Also, Wichita is a good place to hangouts and enjoy the nightlife in the middle of historic brick buildings