Photo by ShikharGupta/Shutterstock

6 Insta-Worthy Locations in and Around New Delhi


Within the boundaries of Delhi lie numerous places, often hidden in plain sight, that never cease to amaze and inspire. Step outside the city limits and a whole different world awaits your arrival. Historical, arty, fashionable or even mundane at first glance, these locations have created a niche for themselves, attracting locals and tourists from near and far to bathe in their splendor. Exclusive and beautiful, there’s a distinct allure to these places that make them ideal spots for that perfect photo opportunity to impress your followers.

Street Art at Lodhi Colony & Mangar Village

Probably the most Insta-worthy spot in New Delhi, Lodhi Art District is a collection of large street paintings in the heart of the city. Bursting with color and embracing various themes, these art installations cover the walls of Lodhi Colony, a government residential block with a distinct character of its own. The ideal way to appreciate the murals, made by artists from around the world, is to take a walk around the colony. However, during the hot summer months, it might be more advisable to drive from one art piece to another.

In case you're in search of something a little more eccentric, take a half-hour drive to the nearby Mangar village in Haryana. Unknown even to many residents of Delhi, one man has transformed the walls of this quaint village into his own personal art book, featuring religious, political and vintage street art.

A Historical Walk Through Mehrauli Archaeological Park

Photo byRavi Krishnan Gupta/Shutterstock

In South Delhi, near the sky-touching Qutub Minar, are some stunning remains of the city's glamorous past. Mehrauli Archaeological Park is a treasure-trove of ancient finds ranging from Balban's and Jamali Kamali Tomb and Mosque to the architecturally appealing stepwell, Rajon ki Baoli.

A fascinating aspect of the park is that there are remnants of various dynasties here. From Tughlaq and Lodi to Mughal and British, all of which seem to merge and overlap into one grand historical site of importance.

Free to enter, you are more than likely to find a heritage walk in progress at the park during the cooler days of Delhi's winter. Also popular with photographers is the nearby Mehrauli Village, with its rustic, old-world charm still intact. The open green spaces and children's play areas in the complex further double up as excellent picnic spots best enjoyed with friends and family.

The Morning Rush at Yamuna Ghats

Photo byShikharGupta/Shutterstock

A delightful event for photography enthusiasts, the banks of river Yamuna, near Raj Ghat, come alive early in the morning with the chirping of birds and clicks of camera shutters. Capturing the sunrise at the Yamuna Ghats, an experience accentuated by the presence of hundreds of birds flying about, many of them migratory, is a rite of passage for local amateur photographers.

For a more immersive feel, hire a boat and take a ride down the river. The resident boatmen also bring along food to attract the birds, and it’s quite a sight to view the ghats from the river’s perspective. Since religion is an integral part of everyday life in India, the ghats are frequented by devotees who can be seen praying at one of the temples nearby.

Hiding in Chor Minar and Idgah

Photo byPratmaha/Wikipedia

You're more than likely to find Humayun's Tomb and Agrasen ki Baoli pop-up on your Instagram feed as two of the most popular photography destinations in the city. However, hidden among the residential colonies of Delhi are many monuments that go unnoticed because of their simplicity, and the fact that not many residents know about them.

Chor Minar and the nearby Idgah are two such ancient monuments in Padmini Enclave that quietly stand their ground without much fanfare. Chor Minar, or the 'Tower of Thieves' is said to have been the place where heads of thieves were displayed to deter people from breaking the law. Idgah, on the other hands, is a 13th-century mosque with an unusual design. Built by Mallu Khan, towards the end of the Tughlaq Dynasty, its construction was done using rubble masonry. Today, it's a reminder of Delhi's ancient heritage and how the city has continued to grow around its colorful past.

A Drive to the Heritage Transport Museum

A little something for the motorheads and vintage vehicle lovers, the Heritage Transport Museum is a smooth one-hour drive from central Delhi. One of the best museums in the region, it not only houses a beautiful collection of antique and classic cars but also highlights the "evolution of transportation" in India.

Their look-but-don't-touch policy might disappoint some visitors, and the moody lighting will challenge your photography skills, but there's ample to see and admire here for all ages. As for taking that Instagrammable shot, you can pose alongside one of the auto-inspired art pieces inside the museum or next to the 1953 Jung Steam Engine out in the open.

A Steep Descend into the Neemrana Stepwell

Since you are already out and about, drive for another hour from the Heritage Transport Museum on the Delhi-Jaipur Highway till you reach the historic town of Neemrana. An up-an-coming industrial zone, Neemrana is home to the famous weekend-getaway, Neemrana Fort Palace, where visitors have the opportunity to live in luxury surrounded by Rajasthani legacy.

A short distance away from the fort is Neemrana Deep Stepwell, a lesser-known marvel that modestly impresses anyone who takes the time to recognize its beauty. Built-in the 1700s, not much is known about the stepwell except that it was used as a resting stop by travelers. The 200 steps to the bottom of the well might leave you a little breathless, but the majestic views of the architecture from down below are genuinely spectacular.


In a world desperate to showcase the next big find on social media, Delhi offers its visitors with a medley of extraordinary experiences. Some take us back in time, while others add a dash of color to the mundane activities of everyday life. The trick to finding the real beauty of Delhi is in exploring its streets. From the arty lanes of Shahpur Jat to the vintage charm of Old Delhi, there is always something unconventionally appealing in the city that will form the perfect backdrop to the most spectacular of your photographs.