Photo by ginger_polina_bublik/Shutterstock

The Most Incredible Adventures You Can Take Around the World in 2021


Forget relaxing on a beach in Corfu, nowadays it's all the rage to test your comfort zone and take a step into the unknown. For those who want something more memorable than a week of lounging around on beaches and sipping pina coladas, here's our roundup of some of the best places you can head to around the world for an incredible adventure you'll never forget.

Cycle Along Bolivia's 'Death Road'

Photo byAndrew Clifforth/Shutterstock

Not for the faint-hearted, most people are a bit put off upon hearing the words 'death road' and after seeing some of the dizzying turns and sheer drops along this 69 kilometer stretch of road in Bolivia it's not difficult to fathom how it got the name. In fact it caused 200-300 deaths per year until 1998 when conditions were slowly improved. Known as Yungas Road, it's hardly used by drivers anymore due to a newer and much safer highway that bypasses it. Nowadays it's mostly just used for mountain biking and cycling tours, which make navigating the narrow mountain passes slightly safer, albeit still not completely without danger. Apart from just to get bragging rights for saying you've cycled down 'death road', the route offers some stunning mountain scenery as you ride down it.

Observe Incredible Arctic Wildlife and Landscape in Svalbard

Photo byJane Rix/Shutterstock

With one of the highest concentrations of polar bears, Svalbard is home to a huge range of arctic wildlife that can be seen. Take a snowmobile safari from the world's most northerly city of Longyearbyen, exploring the dramatic arctic scenery and catch glimpses of the local wildlife. Afterwards take a nature-focused cruise around the islands coastline to go spotting for polar bears, with a safe stretch of water between them.

The Trans-Siberian Railway

Photo byBerezhnoi Vasilii/Shutterstock

Travelling most of the length of the world's largest country for almost 10,000 kilometers, the Trans-Siberian has been one of the world's greatest adventures since the comletion of the railroad in 1916. An epic train extravaganza of seven days, it takes travelers from Moscow to Vladivostok on the Pacific coast, through incredible scenery across Russia's sparsely populated area of Siberia. You can also opt to take the Trans-Mongolian which is a popular alternative for people traveling from Beijing, across Mongolia and into Russia, joining the Trans-Siberian at Ulan-Ude.

Go on a Trek Exploring Colombia's 'Lost City'

Photo byDwayne Reilander/Wikipedia

While it;s still every bit as breathtaking, Peru's famous ancient Incan citadel of Machu Picchu nowadays is often overrun with tourists, as one of the most popular attractions in South America. If you're looking for something a little less explored that's full of adventure, instead head to Colombia to trek around Ciudad Perdida, the site of a similar ancient settlement located high up in the mountains of northern Colombia. Ciudad Perdida is enshrouded in much more mystery however and wasn't discovered until 1972. Although the region saw kidnapping of tourists in 2003, it has long since been safe to travel to with a high presence of the Colombian army in the region.

Explore the World's Largest Cave

Photo byNguyen Tan Tin/Flickr

As the largest cave in the world, the Hang Son Doong cave in Vietnam is so huge it even has a river, jungle and separate climate inside. Only having been recently discovered and opened to the world in 2013, the government severely limits tours to a number of five-day expeditions exploring the vast reaches of the cave throughout the year. Each tour only allows for ten people and you'll usually need to book at least a few months in advance.

Travel Along the Zambezi River

Photo byLukas Bischoff Photograph/Shutterstock

It might not be quite as long as the Amazon or the Nile, but the Zambezi River makes up for it by offering some of the world's most incredible natural sights including the jaw-dropping Victoria Falls, the largest waterfall in the world. Instead of just flying in to view the falls and heading back, spend a little longer to admire one of Africa's most iconic rivers and its exotic wildlife by taking a boat trip along its waters. For the true adrenaline junkies, you can take up white-water rafting along the river and its chaotic rapids.


They might not be your first thought for your next holiday ideas, but pick any of the trips in this list and you're in for the adventure of a lifetime. Just imagine the stories you'll be telling your friends as they wish they had the courage to get out of their comfort zone and head to these places.