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Macedonia:A Country Where History and Nature Converge


The Republic of Macedonia, or simply called Macedonia, is a country located on the Balkan Peninsula in Southeast Europe. Macedonia boasts of several beautiful attractions which are worthy of sightseeing: from historical ruins to natural paradises. In this article, we are going to list down several attractions in Macedonia which are worth sightseeing.

1. Lake Ohrid (Ohrid)


Lake Ohrid is a significant body of water found at Ohrid in Macedonia. It is bordered by southwestern Macedonia and eastern Albania. Lake Ohrid is known to be one of the deepest and oldest lakes in Europe. It serves as a home to more than 200 endemic species, some of which include sponges, algae, and predatory fishes. In 1979, Lake Ohrid was declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. When sightseeing around the lake, tourists may be able to see several villages and resorts where they can relax and unwind.

2. Matka Canyon (Skopje)


The Matka Canyon is a popular attraction in Macedonia which is worth sightseeing. Comprising almost 5,000 hectares, the Matka Canyon houses a lot of medieval monasteries and churches and caves of various lengths. The Matka Canyon is also the home of the Matka Lake, a body of water inside the canyon which is considered to be the oldest artificial lake in Macedonia. Many endemic plants and animals also live in the area. Aside from sightseeing on its monasteries, tourists can even do high-intensity activities such as alpine hiking, mountain climbing, kayaking, and swimming.

3. Church of St. Jovan at Kaneo (Ohrid)


The Church of St. Jovan at Kaneo, or simply Saint John at Kaneo, is an Orthodox Church in Macedonia located on top of a cliff overlooking the Lake Ohrid. While its date of construction is unknown, documents show that the church was built before the year 1447. Tourists who are sightseeing at the church can observe its Byzantine-style architecture. Frescoes depicting several religious events could be seen in the dome and on the walls of the church.

4. Monastery of Saint Naum (Ohrid)


The Monastery of Saint Naum is a religious building in Macedonia under the Eastern Orthodox Church. It was named after Saint Naum, the founder of the monastery. Alongside Lake Ohrid which is situated beside the monastery, the Monastery of Saint Naum is considered one of the most famous attractions for sightseeing in Macedonia. Tourists can observe its architecture which is reminiscent of the past. A dome with colorful frescoes could also be found in the monastery.

5. National Park of Galicica (Ohrid)


The National Park of Galicica is situated on Mount Galicica, a mountain found between Macedonia and Albania. The national park is located on the Macedonian side of the mountain. More than 1,000 species of plant thrive abundantly in the national park. Around 170 species of vertebrate animals also thrive in the park: 124 of which are birds, 10 are amphibians, 18 are reptiles, and 18 are mammals. Due to its scenic views, and the endemic forms to be witnessed, the National Park of Galicica is a favorite sightseeing spot in Macedonia.

6. Tsar Samuel's Fortress (Ohrid)


Tsar Samuel's Fortress is a massive structure in the old town of Ohrid in Macedonia. A former capital of the first Bulgarian Empire, the monument is now a significant sightseeing destination in Macedonia. The fortress was named after Samuel of Bulgaria, the tsar during the first Bulgarian Empire. Tsar Samuel's Fortress offers beautiful views which could take tourists back in time. Although remarkably restored, the fortress still looks like its original form. From the fort, tourists could have an excellent viewpoint of other sightseeing destinations in Macedonia including the Lake Ohrid and the city proper.

7. Macedonia Square (Skopje)

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The Macedonia Square is a significant square located at Skopje, the capital of Macedonia. It is considered as the most prominent square in Macedonia. The square houses several stunning monuments worth sightseeing. These depict certain points in history. Statues of Alexander the Great, the Boatmen of Thessaloniki, and Dimitrija Čupovski are just some of the monuments which could be found at the Macedonia Square. The Ristik Palace at the Ristik Palace is also an excellent spot for sightseeing.

8. Mountain of Vodno (Skopje)

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Mountain of Vodno is located in the northernmost portion of Macedonia. With a height of 1,066 meters, the Krstovar peak is known as the highest point of the mountain. It offers recreational activities including hiking and sightseeing on its waterfall. Aside from recreational activities, several monuments are built on the mountain. In 2002, the Millenium Cross was constructed on its summit. This cross is now considered to be one of the largest Christian Crosses in the world. Mount Vodno is a significant sightseeing destination in Macedonia.

9. Memorial House of Mother Teresa (Skopje)

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The Memorial House of Mother Teresa is a significant sightseeing destination in Macedonia. The house is dedicated to Mother Teresa, a Catholic saint and a humanitarian who lived in Skopje in Macedonia from 1910 to 1928. The memorial house was built on the church where Mother Teresa was baptized. It is designed to look like a modernized version of the birth house of Mother Teresa. Ever since its opening in 2009, several tourists who are sightseeing around Macedonia stop by the memorial house for a tour.

10. Bay of the Bones Museum (Ohrid)

Photo byAleksandar Risteski/shutterstock

The Bay of the Bones Museum is historical establishment and landmark located at Ohrid in Macedonia. A significant sightseeing destination, the museum is a distinct cultural landmark for being situated on the water. The Bay of the Bones Museum is a genuine reconstruction of the ancient way of settlement. Tourists can learn a lot of the history of Macedonia when they are at the museum. Moreover, tourists could witness a breathtaking view of the waters where it stands and its surrounding environment.

◎ Closing

When sightseeing around Macedonia, tourists get to know more about the rich history which has transpired in Macedonia through the years. Its natural attractions are a marvel to behold. Indeed, Macedonia is more than just a landlocked country. It offers bountiful attractions which would last the test of time.