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Malta:Europe’s Glorious Archipelago Dotted with Majestic and Historical Architecture


If you are planning to go on a vacation and do sightseeing on a wonderful paradise, then Malta is the place for you. The Republic of Malta is an archipelago located South of Europe in middle of the Mediterranean Sea. Malta is a very popular destination for tourism and sightseeing. Annually, 1.6 million visitors flock to Malta for a good dose of relaxation, sightseeing, and leisure. To give you a closer look, here are some of the most popular places in Malta where tourists go sightseeing.

1. St. John's Co-Cathedral (Il-Belt Valletta)


Because of its relevance to culture, religion, and tourism, St. John's Co-Cathedral is first on this list of the best places to go sightseeing in Malta. This cathedral, built in the 1570s by the Order of St. John, is famous for its unique high Baroque-designed architecture. Many tourists come to this place to appreciate the amazing building, rich history, religious relevance, and interesting sightseeing views. If you are planning to visit Malta, make sure to drop by St. John's Co-Cathedral.

2. Mdina Old City (Mdina)


Next to this list of the best sightseeing places in Malta is the fortified city of Mdina. Located at the northern part of Malta, Mdina is the capital of Malta in terms of antiquity and the medieval period. The infrastructure and architectural designs of the buildings in this city attract many tourists who want to go sightseeing in Malta. Some of the more prominent spots are the city walls, Bastion Square, Mdina Dungeons, and St. Paul’s Cathedral. The city of Mdina is definitely a must-visit for the sightseeing tourist interested in medieval architecture and ambiance.

3. Upper Barrakka Gardens (Il-Belt Valletta)


The Upper Barrakka Gardens is included in this list of the best sightseeing places in Malta because of the beautiful sceneries and views in this place. Many tourists visit this garden for the amazing panoramic scene of Malta’s Grand Harbour. One of the most prominent memorials that can be found in the garden is the monument of Sir Winston Churchill, which is visited by tourists for pictorials and sightseeing. If you are into nature and the peaceful outdoors, you should definitely go sightseeing in the Upper Barrakka Gardens.

4. Spinola Bay (St. Julian's)


If you enjoy views of the sea, beaches, and sunsets, then the Spinola Bay at Saint Julian’s Island of Malta is the place for you. This place boasts of great restaurants and vibrant and beautiful nights perfect for sightseeing and date nights. The bay is an excellent location for night strolls, relaxation, sightseeing, and photo shoots. You will appreciate Malta more by visiting the Spinola Bay.

5. Fort Rinella (Kalkara)


Next to our list of the best sightseeing places in Malta is Fort Rinella, also known as Rinella Battery. Fort Rinella, located in Kalkara, Malta, is the perfect sightseeing spot for people who are interested in guns, artilleries, and war history. This battery is now an open-air museum, and tourists from other countries go this place for tours, photo shoots, and sightseeing.

6. Lascaris War Rooms (Valletta)

Also recommended sightseeing places for people interested in war history are the Lascaris War Rooms. The Lascaris War Rooms are a complex of chambers and tunnels underground. The war rooms are located in Valleta, Malta, and are famous to historians and tourists doing sightseeing in the place. The Lascaris War Rooms were used during World War 2 as the island’s defense, but are now opened as a museum for the general public.

7. Blue Grotto (Island of Malta)


If you are a tourist looking for amazing scenery for sightseeing, then this place is perfect for you. The Blue Grotto, located in Qrendi, Zurrieq, Island of Malta, Malta, is comprised by various sea cavern, which form wonderful scenery. This place is a famous destination for many tourists who are fond of scuba diving, sightseeing, snorkeling, and rock climbing. If you want your Malta experience complete, do not forget to visit the Blue Grotto for amazing activities and great sightseeing views.

8. St. Peter’s Pool (Island of Malta)


The St. Peter’s Pool is next to this list of the best sightseeing places in Malta. If you enjoy going outdoors, swimming, diving, or just simply sightseeing, then this natural pool at Delimara Point. The waters are crystal clear, some areas are under the shade of huge rocks, and there are perfect places for sunbathing and sightseeing. The view and the scenery are stunning. St. Peter’s Pool is famous to locals and tourists who look for a place for sightseeing and relaxation away from the busyness of the crowd. This pool is definitely a must-visit for everyone who plans to tour Malta.

9. Valletta Waterfront (Floriana)


The next destination in this list of the best sightseeing places in Malta is the Valletta Waterfront. This promenade is composed of three buildings: a church, the Pinto Wharf, and the Forni Shopping Complex. Tourists flock to this place because of its bars, restaurants, retail outlets, and sightseeing spots. The waterfront also hosts several concerts and events, which makes it famous to Malta locals. If you are looking for a good time of relaxation, sightseeing, and shopping, do not forget to visit the Valletta Waterfront located in Floriana, Malta.

10. Cirkewwa Ferry Terminal (Island of Malta)

Last but certainly not the least in this list of the best sightseeing places in Malta is the Cirkewwa Ferry Terminal. The Cirkewwa Ferry Terminal is located at Mellieha, Malta, and is arguably a smaller version of Malta. This place have many restaurants, hotels, and a ferry service that lets you go from one point to the other in a relaxing fashion. If you are planning to visit and do sightseeing in Malta, the Cirkewwa Ferry Terminal is one of the most popular places in the archipelago.

◎ Closing

If you are planning to visit Malta for a good vacation, relaxation, tours, and sightseeing, do not forget to visit the places listed here. Once you visit these places, you will have a complete Malta experience that you will never forget. Malta may be a small archipelago, but it is very rich in history, culture, and tourist destinations. For tourists and locals alike, these places are definitely worth the visit!