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If You’re Visiting Canada, Here Are 6 Foods You Absolutely Have to Try


When it comes to food, Canadians know how to do it right. Although not always the healthiest, it's always highly comforting. In fact so much so that you'll be feeling all warm and fuzzy just reading about them. Here are 6 iconic Canadian dishes you should definitely try on your next trip to the second largest country in the world.

Montreal Smoked Meat

Photo byNorihisa Taguchi/Shutterstock

Beef brisket brined in an assortment of savory spices for over a week, smoked and then steamed to completion, this tender Canadian delicacy could easily contend with pastrami for the top spot in North American deli meats. Usually served between two slices of rye bread slathered with yellow mustard, it's eaten exactly like a classic pastrami sandwich, only it isn't one. This delicious meat is definitely something you should try on your next visit to Canada, whether in its typical sandwich form or not.

Butter Tarts

Photo byKatrina Elise Designs/Shutterstock

In the world of desserts, there is nothing more Canadian than butter tarts. Flaky pie crust holding together a generous, caramelly filling, which in its simplest form consists of just butter, sugar and eggs. Simple but delicious. The filling can either be runny or firm and sometimes includes raisins, but these are matters of great contention better left for another day eh! If you're traveling through Canada, it'll be hard to not come across these yummy treats, so there's no excuse to not try them at least once.

Peameal Bacon

Photo byTobinCStudio/Shutterstock

Step aside bacon. Just kidding, nothing could ever take bacon's place - except maybe peameal bacon. This tender, juicy, back bacon is made from wet-cured, fat trimmed, pork loin rolled in cornmeal, although originally it was rolled in ground yellow peas - hence the name. Once cooked, the cornmeal is transformed into the perfect, crispy complement to the soft, savory slice of meat it encases. Peameal bacon is generally eaten in the same way as regular bacon, such as in a sandwich, burger or breakfast plate.


Photo byJess Pomponio/Shutterstock

French fries on their own are perfect, there's no disputing this fact, but to take it to the next level Canadians add in squeaky chunks of cheese curd and cover it with a hearty meat-based gravy. Originating in Quebec, this tasty dish can now be found all across the country, including even McDonalds, and is so beloved in Canada that a national week long festival known as La Poutine Week is held annually just to celebrate it.

Nanaimo Bar

Photo byNoirChocolate

A crust of chocolate ganache chilled over a creamy layer of custard spread over a crumbly biscuit and coconut base. This is the famous three-layered Nanaimo bar named after the Canadian harbor city of Nanaimo, where it is believed they originated from. This simple no-bake Canadian favorite can be found pretty much all across the country and is so popular you can even find Nanaimo flavored ice-cream and cocktails.

Maple Syrup Taffy Candy

Photo byJosiane Photo/Shutterstock

Also referred to as tire sur la neige, which translates to pull on the snow, or sugar on snow, this traditional Canadian treat is enjoyed right as maple syrup harvesting begins and requires just two ingredients: 100% pure maple syrup and fresh snow. To make this sweet, sticky delight, maple syrup is boiled, trickled into lines on the snow, and then rolled onto the end of a stick just as it begins to set. So simple, but so good!


There you have it, six delicious foods that are sure to warm both your tummy and your heart as you explore Canada. If you're planning to visit during winter, then even better as we all know that's the optimal season to indulge in oodles of heavy, comfort foods. However even outside of winter these foods are delicious and warrant trying while visiting the Great White North.