Introducing 5 Powerful Spots in Kyoto to Boost Your Financial Luck: Are They All Really That Effective?


Kyoto is a treasure trove of lucky spots, especially for those seeking financial fortune. You could potentially boost your wealth just by spending a day exploring these sacred places. While Kyoto is known for its many historical power spots, let's focus on the best shrines for attracting good luck and money.

In this article, we'll introduce 5 lucky spots in Kyoto, each with its own unique story related to wealth and prosperity. Maybe you'll find the perfect place to boost your financial luck!

Mikane Shrine

Located between Nijo Castle and Karasuma Oike, in the heart of Kyoto, It is a shrine that has long been associated with financial prosperity. Despite its name, which translates to "Gold Money Shrine," the "ogon" in Ogon Jinja does not refer to currency but rather to metals in general. However, the shrine’s golden torii gate at the entrance immediately sets the tone for its association with wealth.

Founded in 1883 during the Meiji period, Mikane Shrine is relatively new compared to other ancient shrines. Before becoming a shrine, it was a private shrine dedicated to Kanayamahiko, a deity associated with metals and often enshrined at other Kanayama Jinja (金山神社) throughout Japan. Kanayamahiko is particularly revered as a deity connected to gold.

Due to the increasing number of visitors seeking blessings from Kanayamahiko, the shrine was eventually relocated to its current location.

◆ A very popular pilgrimage spot, both in the past and present

Mikane Shrine has been popular since its establishment in the Meiji era. Even today, it remains a favored destination for those seeking success in gambling, stock trading, and other financial endeavors. As a result, the shrine has solidified its reputation as a powerful site for attracting wealth.

Kurumazaki Shrine

Located just east of Arashiyama in Ukyo-ku, Kyoto, Kurumazaka Shrine is dedicated to Kiyohara no Yorinari, a Confucian scholar who flourished in the late Heian period.

Legend has it that during a visit to Arashiyama by Emperor Gosaga, the axle of his oxcart mysteriously broke. Upon investigation, a shrine dedicated to Yorinari was discovered, leading to the deity being enshrined as "Kurumazaka Daimyojin."

Due to this anecdote, Kurumazaka Shrine has become known as a powerful shrine, offering blessings in various areas including wealth, academic achievement, and romantic relationships.

◆ The Importance of Keeping Promises

While Kurumazaka Shrine is said to grant blessings in many areas, it is believed that to truly benefit from its divine power, one must uphold their promises. Whether it's financial matters like loans or business agreements, or personal promises within the family, it is essential to avoid deceit and to always strive to keep one's word. By living a life of integrity, individuals can better harness the shrine's power to attract wealth.

Fushimi Inari Shrine

Fushimi Inari-taisha is the head shrine of approximately 30,000 Inari shrines throughout Japan. The main hall is located at the foot of Mount Inari, with the entire mountain considered sacred.

Inari shrines are renowned for their countless torii gates that create a mystical atmosphere at the entrance. However, as the head shrine, Fushimi Inari-taisha's thousands of torii gates are truly overwhelming. The sight of these gates can be almost hypnotic, making it a popular tourist destination both domestically and internationally.

Originally worshiped as a deity of agriculture, the Inari deity has evolved over time to become a patron of commerce and industry. This shift in belief is the reason why Inari shrines are often associated with financial prosperity.

◆ When was Fushimi Inari-taisha founded?

The establishment of Fushimi Inari-taisha is estimated to be around the Wadō era (708-715 AD). While this may not seem specific, it places the shrine's founding in the Nara period. Regardless of the exact year, it's clear that this shrine has a history spanning nearly 1,300 years.

◆ The Powerful Influence of Inari Shrines

There is a belief that neglecting Inari shrines can lead to terrible consequences. While this may sound superstitious, there are numerous anecdotes of misfortune befalling those who have disrespected these shrines. This suggests that Inari deities are to be treated with great reverence.

As the head shrine, Fushimi Inari-taisha is believed to possess an even greater power. While there is a fear of angering these deities, for those seeking financial success, the shrine's reputation as a powerful site for attracting wealth is a welcome aspect.

Ebisu Shrine

Located between Shijo and Gojo in Kyoto, just beside the Kamo River, stands the Ebisu Shrine. Ebisu, one of the Seven Lucky Gods, is widely known as the deity of prosperous business and is enshrined in various places throughout Japan. This particular Ebisu Shrine is renowned as one of the three major Ebisu shrines in the country.

The worship of Ebisu has been prevalent since before the Edo period, with countless pilgrims seeking blessings for their businesses over hundreds of years. Even today, the Ebisu Shrine is bustling with visitors, especially on weekends, solidifying its reputation as a powerful spot for attracting wealth and fortune.

From January 8th to 12th, the shrine holds a special event where they offer auspicious bamboo. Along with this, there are also other lucky charms like gold coins and koban, believed to bring financial fortune. As an ancient power spot for wealth, it's worth planning a visit during this time to experience its energy firsthand.

◆ What is the Business Prosperity Bamboo?

The bamboo, often associated with Ebisu as a symbol, is a unique amulet that originated from this Kyoto Ebisu Shrine. Made from real bamboo, it represents upright growth, longevity, and resilience. Due to these qualities, it has become a widely recognized symbol of prosperous business.

◆Toyokuni Shrine

Located between Gojo and Shichijo in Kyoto, Toyokuni Shrine is dedicated to Toyotomi Hideyoshi, a prominent figure in Japanese history. Housing important cultural properties such as the "Toyokuni Festival Picture Screens" and the famous sword "Kogitsune Tōshirō," the shrine also features a statue of Hideyoshi within its grounds.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi, known for his remarkable rise from commoner to ruler of a unified Japan, is celebrated as a symbol of success and good fortune. As a result, Toyokuni Shrine has gained popularity as a powerful spot for seeking advancement and prosperity, particularly financial success.

◆ Hideyoshi and Wealth

Toyotomi Hideyoshi was renowned for his opulent lifestyle, evident in his construction of magnificent structures such as Osaka Castle, the Golden Tea Room, and Jurakutei. Moreover, he made significant contributions to trade. Considering his immense economic success within the context of Japanese history, it's no surprise that he is associated with powerful financial energy.

◎ Summary

This article has introduced five of Kyoto's most potent spots for attracting financial wealth.

With over a thousand years of history, Kyoto has experienced periods of both great power and devastating fires. Despite these trials, it continues to be beloved as an ancient capital and a world-renowned tourist destination. Perhaps the secret to Kyoto's enduring popularity lies in the abundance of powerful energy spots associated with financial prosperity that can be found throughout the city.

If you're at a crossroads in your life, such as starting a new job or embarking on a new venture, consider visiting Kyoto to seek the blessings of these auspicious locations.