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Nepal:A Fascinating Mecca of Religious and Historical Heritage


Nepal allures visitors with the incredible Himalayan mountain range, ancient and impressive buildings in its royal cities and its inimitable heritage sites. For the nature lovers, Nepal offers memorable and adrenaline-filled outdoor adventures. It's a bustling destination that offers stunning sights every turn of the corner. Here are the top sightseeing places that will make your trip to Nepal the most memorable.

1. Boudhanath Stupa (Kathmandu)


This beautiful Stupa is believed to have been constructed in the 14th century shortly after the passing on of Buddha. It's the largest stupa in Asia and a beacon of Buddhist beliefs, used as a meditation and sacrifice monument. Visitors flock to the Boudhanath Stupa to marvel at the incredible architecture and beauty. Once inside, you can view the mandala ceilings, a Buddha statue and a shrine to the Dalai Lama.

2. Swayambhunath Temple (Kathmandu)


Swayambhunath Temple sits at the top of a hill overlooking Kathmandu city. Some locals refer to the temple as the ‘Monkey Temple’ because of the numerous monkeys that gather around the temple grounds, which Buddhists believe to be holy. It's one of the oldest temples founded in Nepal, established between 464 and 505 CE by the great-grandfather of King Manadeva. When you visit, make sure to spot the sleeping Buddha, the Dewa Dharma Monastery, the gold-plated Vajra and the goddess of children.

3. Bhaktapur Durbar Square (Bhaktapur)

Photo byAleksandar Todorovic/shutterstock

Bhaktapur Durbar Square is located near the palace of the old Bhaktapur Kingdom and is one of the world heritage sites in Nepal. The square is a wealth of cultural, historical and religious heritage. It also offers remarkable sights of Nepalese architecture and traditions. The whole complex has four smaller squares- Durbar Square, Taumadhi Square, Dattatreya Square and Pottery Square. Make sure not to miss the Palace of 55 Windows, Vatsala Temple, Statue of King Bhupatindra Malla and the Golden Gate. There are also a number of fancy restaurants at Bhaktapur Durbar Square where you can have a taste of the local Nepalese food as well as western cuisine.

4. Kathmandu Durbar Square (Kathmandu)


Another famous square in Nepal you need to check out is the Kathmandu Durbar Square, located at the site of the former Kathmandu kingdom palace. The area suffered a significant loss in 2015 as a result of a major earthquake, but the remaining parts are a true depiction of the spectacular architecture of Nepal. The square has royal palaces, courtyards, and temples perfect for exploring. Presently, the palaces are a major Nepal national heritage preservation site, and sightseeing is allowed even in the staterooms inside the palaces. On the southern edge of the square, you'll find the Kumari Chok, a cage containing a human incarnation of the Hindu mother goddess.

5. Patan Museum (Patan)

Photo bysippakorn/shutterstock

Patan Museum building was once the residence of the Malla Kings, it's now famous for having the finest and most valuable collections of traditional art in Nepal and Asia. It focuses on the traditional sacred art of Nepal and contextualizes the traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. The rear part of the museum has been maintained and adapted to a pleasant resting place, a museum café and a summit hotel.

6. World Peace Pagoda (Pokhara)


The World Peace Pagoda is a monument in Nepal built to inspire peace in the nation and around the world. It was designed to unite the people of Nepal and to motivate them in their search for peaceful coexistence with people of all races and creeds. The World Peace Pagoda was constructed by monks just after the World War II, on top of a hill overlooking the Annapurna ranges. The hike to the top of the hill is not a difficult climb and it takes around 45 minutes, although the paths can be steep, muddy and slippery during the rainy season. Once at the top, the trek is rewarded by breathtaking views of the city and the nearby mountain ranges.

7. Annapurna Mountain Range (Gandaki)


A series of peaks deep in the vast Himalayas, some of which rise to as high as 8000 meters, it's one of the most popular places for hiking in Nepal. The period between October and November is the best for hiking as the weather is generally mild. Some of the highlights of the hike are Lake Pewa, Hinko Cave, Gurung villages along with the Annapurna and Machapuchare base camps.

8. Sarangkot (Pokhara)


The perfect spot for beautiful sunrise photos in Nepal, Sarangkot is a small village away from Pokhara, that most visitors frequent to view and capture the sun as it rises over the Annapurna range. To get to the designated viewing point, it will take a one-hour hike, which is not strenuous at all. The pathway is marked with steps on the steep parts. If you are not up to hiking, you can also drive up. Other than the sunrise, there is also a small Shiva temple at the top that you can visit as you enjoy the scenic view of the village below.

9. Fewa Lake (Pokhara)


The beauty of the second largest freshwater lake in Nepal has been told by numerous poets, singers, and writers in the country. The surrounding landscape of Lake Fewa is so beautiful that its image has been used on many occasions to depict the gracefulness of nature. The lake is also famous for the reflections of Mt. Machhapuchhre and peaks of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges on its surface.


Nepal is the perfect sightseeing destination for adventure seekers and those looking to escape to the midst of nature. The trekking routes, high peaks, and glacial lakes are simply irresistible. The diversified religious and cultural mix of Nepal provides you with brilliant opportunities to mix with the locals as you get an insight into their fascinating way of life.