Bratislava : Top 10 Things to Do in the Slovakian Capital

Bratislava : Top 10 Things to Do in the Slovakian Capital

Bratislava intrigues many with its mix of urban and wild. Despite having castles presiding over a pastel-hued old town, it still has vast lands of green creating a perfect balance. This frenetic mix of contemporary and classic is also one to admire. With preservations over the 18th-century heyday such as the spires and squares. Below are some amazing sightseeing joints of Bratislava.

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Bratislava : Top 10 Things to Do in the Slovakian Capital

1. Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum

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Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum is considered to be among the most romantic art museums around Europe. The museum was founded as a collaborative association between Gerard Meulensteen and the Slovak Vincent Polakovič. Since opening its doors to the public in 2000, it has seen thousands of foreign tourists as well as Slovak visitors into the museum. The most notable was the royal visits. The location of the museum is admirable as it has views of the majestic Danube river as well as a great surrounding of flora. Bratislava prides itself in this one of a kind establishment which should not be missed during your visit to this city.

2. St. Martin's Cathedral (Dom svateho Martina)

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St. Martin's Cathedral is of great historical importance to the people of Bratislava. Hungarian kings have been crowned here for over 300 years since its establishment. The church itself is not as grand as other churches but it is more famous for the historical value it holds. Among the great things, it is known for is the crowning of Empress Maria who was crowned in 1741. The interior of the church has some beautiful sculptures of a bear playing the cello, a phoenix rising from the flames among other interesting aspects. The place is definitely worth a stop as you visit Bratislava old town.

3. UFO Observation Deck

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UFO Observation Deck is an adrenaline-packed experience where you get 360 views of Bratislava from an elevated angle. Tourists get to see the city through the glass windows which is very thrilling. As you get to the topmost floor, what you are to expect is the bar and amazing views. One will also get views of Austria and Hungary too! The bar is a great place to wind with cocktails as well as food, especially during sunset. For just 7 Euros, one is able to get this treat of a magnificent view.

4. Devin Castle (hrad)

Devin Castle used to be part of the Roman border which later became a strategic post during the Turkish wars. Despite being in ruin after Napoleon's rule, its strategic set up between the Danube river and Morava give it a picturesque look. There are plenty of information boards across the castle giving sightseeing tourists an easy time following through. To get to the castle, one is to take bus number 29 or 28. Entrance charges are just 2 euros per person. However, when there are exhibitions, you can pay up to 5 euros for access.

5. Nedbalka Gallery

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Nedbalka Gallery is a simple and beautiful gallery in Bratislava. The internal architecture resembles the Guggenheim Museum situated in New York. The gallery comprises of four floors in which one can great a great insight on the genesis and development of modernism in Slovakia. There are paint works by famous artists such as L. Mednyánszky, D. Skutezký among many others. The ticket price also comes with complimentary coffee which is a plus especially for a morning or an evening visit. In addition to this, visitors get an iPad guide to take them through details of the gallery.

6. Bratislava Old Town

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Bratislava Old Town is a nostalgic visit through charming narrow lanes, burgher's houses, and nobles' palaces as well as other fascinating structures. Visiting the old town can be done through a stroll or a tour shuttle. Aside from historical buildings, Bratislava old town has many nice bars and restaurants. The best option to choose is the trolley bus which tourists get descriptive information about the area. The atmosphere of the old town is very relaxing as you take in the beauty. The shaded walkways are just a tip of the whole treat.

7. Slavin

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Slavin is a beautiful visit uphill. The monument is very intriguing depicting the sobering war memorial. This is the highest point of the city that overlooks the castle. The monument found here is used to represent the thousands of young soldiers who spared their lives during WWII. The fact that it is free, gives it a more interesting appeal to tourists. The site is considered to be less monolithic compared to other Soviet memorials in Bratislava. For a more pleasant visit, it is best to travel in the morning or evening when the sun is not too hot.

8. Slovak Philharmonic

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Slovak Philharmonic is a great musical bundle to catch while in Bratislava. The venue, the Reduta Bratislava Concert Hall, provides a great space to enjoy concerts by the Slovak Philharmonic as well as immerse yourself in the range of pieces they have to play. Truly a gem for classical music lover as well as music enthusiasts. There are over 250 years of beautiful architectural details you can appreciate as you enjoy during intermission. Tickets are sold between 20 to 50 euros. One may also dress up since the locals enjoy dressing up for concerts too!

9. St Elizabeth's / Blue Church

Blue Church does not allow random visits. However, one can admire its exterior that looks like something out of a fairytale movie with Greek-like elements. The church is not so far from the Namestie SNP. If you would like to get a sneak peak of the interior, one can do so through the glass windows on the porch area. The interior has some classical architectural features. If you wish to visit inside, you should try to get there as early as possible as it is not open in the afternoon.

10. Slovak National Theatre

Slovak National Theatre is the best stop on Bratislava for firsthand experience of culture and concerts. The building is marvelous on the inside with amazing acoustics especially if there for a concert. Some music legends have graced the space such as Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven and many more. The baroc decorated interior is also not to be overlooked. The classical feel of the theatre makes it more beautiful especially at night when it is illuminated. While in Bratislava, it is great to spare some time to enjoy some high-quality art at this theatre.

◎ Closing

Bratislava not only has historically inclined sightseeing attractions but also has natural escapes such as the Danube river which follows some hilly parks. The nightlife is also very crowd-pleasing leaving most spoilt for choice from the many beer halls to rooftop terraces. There are also vineyards, within the lowlands which are worth a tour. Bratislava is indeed very exciting offering you all you need while you visit Slovakia.