Gibraltar : Get Lost in the History of World Wars and Phenomenal Landscape

Gibraltar : Get Lost in the History of World Wars and Phenomenal Landscape

Gibraltar is located on the South Coast of Spain and is a British Overseas Territory. The rock of Gibraltar which is a 426m-high limestone ridge is one of the iconic landmarks of the place. Popularly known as the “Key to the Mediterranean”, it is dominated by handsome rugged terrains, mesmerizing limestone cliffs and is popular for being the world’s busiest shipping lanes. It shares extremely close borders with Spain. The port is always busy cruise ships it is a small country and is spread around only 4 square kilometers. Definitely a gorgeous country to be, here are the top ten attractions:

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Gibraltar : Get Lost in the History of World Wars and Phenomenal Landscape

1. Europa Point

It is located at the southernmost tip of the Gibraltar’s Peninsula and is a beautiful place to be. There is an old lighthouse which is built on the tip of the cliff adding to the major attraction for the place. It has an attractive old chapel of Nuestra Senora de Europa and Mosque of The Custodian of Holy Mosques. It is a restored fortification that was built in 1859 and there is also a Nun’s well serving as underground ancient water reservoir. It gives you gorgeous views of the Algeciras Bay and African Coast.

2. Apes of Gibraltar

Gibraltar is one country which is popularly known for the Barbary macaques or apes, the only ones living in the wild in Europe. It is a shame not to witness these little creatures while in Gibraltar. As per legends it is known that if the apes leave the country, so will all the other animals in the Island. The Gibraltar Natural Reserve located in the Upper Rock area of the country is the best place to witness these apes. There is a number of Apes Den but you need to be careful as they are wild and might snatch away belongings.

3. Great Siege Tunnels

Photo by Jan Miko/

The Great Siege Tunnels of Gibraltar have been one of the most significant installations done by the military and reflects the marvelous engineering. The tunnels are carved from the “Notch” which is the Northern face of the Rock and it was done using just manual labor. The tunnel is an eccentric labyrinth that was used by British as a defense the attack from France and Spain. The Great Siege lasted from 1779 to 1783 which helps in the victory of the British force. It is one of the most interesting places to be with a rich history.

4. Gibraltar Museum

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The Gibraltar Museum is one of the best places to visit that gives a major perspective on the cultural and natural history. The museum was established in the year of 1930 and is located in Bomb House. It was the former residence of the Principal Artillery Officer. The museum is known for its well preserved Moorish Baths that is from the 14th century. There is also a huge model of rock inside the museum. The museum is full of great geological things, rare Roman anchors, etc.

5. Gibraltar Natural Reserves

Photo by johnbraid/

The Gibraltar Natural Reserves offers you some of the most phenomenal views and is a great place for millions of birds. It is a great place for bird lovers as there are many birds that visit and migrate between Africa and Europe. There are great places to witness within the natural reserves and one of the major attractions is Forbes’ Quarry. It is the first female Neanderthal skull found in the year 1848. It has the 100-ton gun at Magdala battery and a home to versatile flora and fauna.

6. St. Michael’s Cave

If you are in Gibraltar, it is definitely one of the most exotic and raw places to be in. The Michael’s Cave is around 150 years old and is around 274 meters above the sea level. The stalactites and stalagmites in the cave offer stunning variations in color. Some also suggest that it is secretly sort of connected to Africa. The upper hall of the cave is connected to five passages to smaller hall and it opens you to stunning drops of around 12 and 45 meters. There is also an underground concert Cathedral Cave inside it.

7. The Moorish Castle

The ancient castle is perched on top of old town of Gibraltar and overlooks the phenomenal Casemates castle. The castle was built in 8th century and it was again renovated and rebuilt in the 14th century. There have been many parts that have faced the wrath of damage but still the tower, massive gatehouse and some masonry remain intact, preserving the ancient look. It is one of the first things to notice when walking over the board to Gibraltar.

8. Gibraltar Botanic Garden

The gorgeous Botanical Garden of Gibraltar also known as the La Alameda Gardens is a great place to be out with family and friends. It is locate at the end of the Main Street and was commissioned in 1816 and initially was opened for the stationed soldier. It has huge variety of sub-tropical vegetation and there is also an Alameda Wildlife Conservation Park inside. It is a small zoo which is set up for house animals that are rescued by the police or customs. There are many events and shows also that are celebrated within the venue.

9. Holy Trinity Cathedral

Photo by Jose Angel Astor Rocha/

The Holy Trinity Cathedral is a Moorish revival style Church that dates back from 1831. It sort of resembles a mosque and is located at the Northern end of the old town of Gibraltar. The intricate architecture of the church makes it extremely elegant and appealing. It was damaged during the war in 1951 after it was exploded by the British Force. However, it still stands beautifully adorned by its interior and exterior façade.

10. Casemates Square

The Casemates Square is something that is located at the Northern End of the Main Street and is the largest public space. It is like an open amphitheatre that witnesses large gatherings with number of cafes, restaurants and places around it. It was completed in 1817 and it has evidence of settlements of Moors in the 10th century. It was a perfect place for trades and is great for many open air concerts. It is a landmark spot for celebration of many national events and number of festivals.

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Gibraltar is not a usual destination flocked by tourists but is definitely an interesting one. With such interesting and amazing history, it enriched one’s knowledge about history and world war times. Not to forget, the gorgeous landscapes around the place make it a remarkable place to be.