Kota Kinabalu : A Treasure Trove of Endless Adventure and Nature in Malaysian Borneo

Kota Kinabalu : A Treasure Trove of Endless Adventure and Nature in Malaysian Borneo

Kota Kinabalu is the capital Sabah state. For many, the city may not wow at first glance, but sure ends up doing so since it offers a treasure trove of adventure and wonder. The city continues to blossom in this 21st century having a growing culture in the music and arts scene. The natural landscapes are what wow most to this magical escape. For tourists looking for sightseeing adventures, there's so much to love in Kota Kinabalu. Here are the top ten places you need to check out if you're planning on visiting Kota Kinabalu.

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Kota Kinabalu : A Treasure Trove of Endless Adventure and Nature in Malaysian Borneo

1. Mt. Kinabalu

Mount Kinabalu is a natural wonder of Southeast Asia. This mountain has been considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site soaring over 4,000 meters high. The mountain also gains status as one of the highest trek-able peaks worldwide. Most adventurers visiting this beautiful mountain will appreciate the clear and well-maintained paths left for visitors. Hiking is usually a very exclusive experience limited to a maximum of 135 hikers per day. Charges cost RM $300 which caters for refreshments, food, and hiking gear. Most hikers are advised to take at least 3 days to get to the peak. This experience is very worthy especially when you get to the top and since there are plenty of rests stops, there is no reason not to.

2. Kota Kinabalu City Mosque

The Kota Kinabalu City Mosque is a beautiful mosque in Kota Kinabalu that features contemporary Islamic architecture. Despite not being the main mosque, most people are attracted to it due to the visual illusion it creates like a floating mosque together with the stunning architecture. Being right by the waters, it is among the most unique mosques one can ever set eyes on. Entry for sightseeing the mosque is free of charge and tourists are able to pay a visit any time during the week apart from Fridays when there are worship sessions. It is unbelievable that this mosque can host up to 12,000 people.

3. Muzium Sabah

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The Sabah Museum was once the home of the governor back in 19585 when it was first built. It now serves as a state museum hosting some very interesting collections that link to the people of Kota Kinabalu. Sitting on 17 ha of land, the exhibitions found at this museum are many and cover various topics of history. Expect to find details on Islamic civilization, archeology, technology, ethnobotany among other interesting things. Sightseeing tourists get to see the different wings of stuffed animals, costumes, and relics that relate to Borneo. On the grounds are cultural villages where tourists get to experience the different cultures of Kota Kinabalu.

4. Mount Kinabalu Park Botanical Garden

This botanical park and garden are one of the hidden treasures of Kota Kinabalu. Some may overlook it and head over to Mount Kota Kinabalu but it offers a great sightseeing experience to the nature lovers. With over 5,000 flora and fauna to marvel at, you will enjoy every moment of the experience. The paths are well set offering resting areas if you wish to have a stop and gaze at nature. Expect to find a variety of bird, monkeys and flower species. Entrance to this botanical garden is charged at RM $5, which is a steal for the incredible views of the surrounding scenery you'll get from here.

5. Mari Mari Cultural Village

Photo by shankar s.

Mari Mari Cultural Village is a sightseeing adventure away from the main city. Tourists get to experience the cultural nature of the people of Sabah from 5 different tribes and homesteads. The village is well laid up offering different experiences of food and cultures. Tourists are guided from home to home in the traditional hut structures as they enjoy the warm hospitality of the people. There are various commodities and goodies that they will get to carry like rice wine, coffee, honey and lots more. At the end of the tour, tourists get to enjoy an interactive performance from the villagers. 

6. Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park

Photo by Konstantin Katuev/shutterstock.com

Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park is an adventurous sightseeing activity that can be enjoyed by any thrill-seeking tourist. The marine is a composition of 5 islands that are accessible from main Kota Kinabalu via speedboat. The most common islands are Manukan and Gaya which offer a plethora of activities to the tourist. Most of these tourists get to enjoy the many beach resorts and swimming in the waters. The best time to visit the park is during the weekdays since weekends are crowded. It is believed that over 300,000 tourists visit the park as per a yearly survey.

7. Poring Hot Springs

Photo by Percita

Poring hot springs are situated in a lowland rainforest. There are pools of both hot and cold baths and many tourists and locals go there to relax in the hot sulphuric waters. It is not a must however as you can also opt for the canopy walk. There is also a restaurant which you can visit for a snack as you get an overview of the public bain. One of the important rules you need to observe as a tourist is that public nudity is not condoned and sexy swimwear is prohibited. There is an admission charge which varies for adults and minors.

8. North Borneo Railway

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North Borneo Railway is a scenic return trip railway adventure that lasts about 4 hours. Tourists get to enjoy the landscapes as they make stops at other interesting towns within Sabah. The locomotive has been restored but still trying to maintain its original charm which is also part of the experience. There is a tiffin colonial lunch served to the tourists on board which may include a fish menu. Since it is a steam train, you will have re-steaming stops which makes it more adventurous. If you really wish to go sightseeing aboard this train, book in time as departures are only two times a week. Wednesday and Saturday.

9. Tabin Wildlife Reserve

Photo by Mike Prince

Tabin Wildlife Reserve does a great cause by trying to preserve some of the endangered wildlife species of Sabah. It was established in 1984 for this sole purpose of rescuing and reserving these animals. Tourists sightseeing get to enjoy the fantastic wildlife and even interact with some. There are forests with winding paths that you can get lost in as well for more nature walks. There are also palm oil plantations which give a good contrast between the two ecosystems. Guides are provided to take you through the place which makes it easier to maneuver. Shoes should have a good grip as it may get slippery if it is wet.

10. Klias River Cruise

Photo by badruddin/shutterstock.com

This is a river cruise along the Klias river that lets the tourist enjoy the wonderful scenery of Kota Kinabalu. There are many mangrove trees along the way together with many other plant and animal species. The river cruise packages have other full packages that may include refreshments and dinner. This is a breathtaking experience because aside from seeing where the river meets the sea, you also get to enjoy breathtaking sunsets and proboscis monkeys. The cheapest option however for those sightseeing on a budget would be a self-organized tour.

◎ Closing

This Malaysian treasure is, without a doubt, a melting pot of people’s cultures. Get enchanted with its fiery sunsets, vast waterfront, captivating wildlife among other interesting things. The weather is also very conducive most part of the year making it an ideal spot to visit and relax. Tourists who visit Kota Kinabalu always have something positive to say about its contemporary landscapes too.