Cagliari : Serene and Fairytale Destination for Offbeat Travelers

Cagliari : Serene and Fairytale Destination for Offbeat Travelers

Cagliari is a tempting enchantress that crowns around the Bonaria Hill and is the capital city of Sardinia, Italian Island. The medieval city is known for the excellent scenic beauty presented along with the assortment of architectural excellence. The hilltop Castello of the medieval city is a delight to eyes. The city boasts of stone medieval quarters and gorgeous architectural frames from 13th century. It is home to some of the extremely baroque architecture and the heritage and culture is represented by number of museums showcasing artifacts from Byzantine Era. Here are the top things to witness and enjoy in Cagliari:

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Cagliari : Serene and Fairytale Destination for Offbeat Travelers

1. Bastione San Remy

This gorgeous citadel lies in the middle of the city and presents a picturesque image of the medieval architecture. It was initially built for defending the Castello Quarter in the 19th century but is one of the iconic vantage points for witnessing the amazing views of Mediterranean Sea and the surrounding port area. It was home to the Savoy Family for a while but now use as a tourist place. It gives perfect view of the harbor, Marina and soothes your vision with its exquisitely designed facade.

2. Torre dell’Elefante

Photo by Claudio Divizia/

This is one of the remaining gates that serve as the entrance of the grand Castello Quarter and it can be reached from the largest square, Piazza Yenne. It is also known as the Elephant tower and is one of the most impressive historical monuments. It was constructed in the year 1307 and the tower served as guard tower for defending the city. The carved elephant statues of the gate make the structure interesting and it also gives stunning view of the city.

3. The Marina

No matter how many harbors you have seen, this view can never ever grow old and it is a delightful site to see the chaos along the harbor with ships docked along. The city hall is located along the corner of the harbor. The Castello Quarter rise above the lot and towards the right of the Castella Quarter is the gorgeous shopping complex, Pizza dell Constituzione. The Marina area is lively and full of lounges, restaurants and is perfect to spend an evening with the view of the sea and the harbor.

4. Duomo Cathedral

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The Sardinian churches and cathedral are something that must not be missed at any cost. The baroque church displayed Romanesque facade which was replaced in 1722 and later again restored in 1930s. The church still displays some of the walls from the 13th century that are not yet restored and retain the original old charm. There are some nicely carved Roman Tombs. It also has a 12th century sculpture from Pisa Cathedral and it is one of the prized possessions. There are two crypts present inside the Gothic cathedral.

5. Poetto Beach and the Devil’s Saddle

The beaches of Sardania are pristine, idyllic and bring to you the best tropical flavor. The beach gives a fulfilling view of the Devil’s Saddble and makes the beach one of the best sight-seeing places in Calgiari. The geo-morphological shape of the rock surrounded by forests makes it one of the significant places to see. The devil saddle is a promontory which divides the gulfs and this is what makes it extremely scenic. It is a must addition for your wanderlust.

6. Museo Archeologico Nazionale

Photo by Cristiano Cani

The Archaeological Museum displays number of artifacts and objects that makes it extremely interesting and fascinating to the historical buffs. There is so much heritage and history all under the same place. The prominent displays here include some ancient gold work along with bronze statues from Byzantine era. The treasures are nicely displayed that makes the place so meaningful. It takes you back to the lives of the people around 3000 years ago. With all the ancient things around, it is a powerhouse of history and knowledge.

7. San Benedetto Market

Experiencing local life is San Benedetto is next level experience and it can be best done by visiting the San Benedetto Market. It waits with so much to explore and experience in terms of sampling food. It is the perfect place to try some amazing sea food from the Sardinian menu. It is one of the best markets in Italy with amazing delicacies and food to try. It is famous for the exotic sheep cheese and there are a lot of things that one can even carry as souvenir.

8. Roman Amphitheater

Photo by Jana Land/

This is not like any other ordinary amphitheater but surrounded by wilderness and bestowed with grandeur of nature. The Roman Theater is an epic historical monument that dates back from 1st Century. It is set as natural curve with seating stage on a slope around the hillside rocky. The Roman ruins are neatly preserved and are one of the biggest historical assets of the city. It was a site for many dramatic gladiator performances and the place also witnessed number of executions.

9. Palazzo Region

It is again another mesmerizing medieval and historical structure that beautifully stands in the heart of old town within the II Castello complex. Previously in the historical times it was used as official royal residence for the rules of Sardinia for nearly hundred years. This place dates back to around 14th century and it was restored back in the 19th century with some additions. The interior of this place is gorgeous with lot of artifacts and decoration art and things, ceiling displays some beautiful frescoes from the 19th century.


Cagliari is a city that takes you back in time to the era of Romans and is a huge conclave of amazing history. Be it the sampling of the food or drooling over the Marina vantage point or bowled over by the medieval architecture, the city is everything that keeps your heart.